Selecting a picture or a text box brings up an appropriate tab for the selected item.Contextual tabs appear when some specific objects are selected.Contextual tabs are available for best options to select from and make you document stand remarkable.Third-party plugins can also be added in new MS Office.

It is available for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems.Some of the new and enhanced features included in Office 2007 are as follows Office 2007 will be the last version supported by Windows XP Professional 圆4 Edition. Online services are also available for easy access and safe storage of your documents. Work better and quicker in the new Office because of the improved underlying architecture. Improvements are made to Office applications to reduce the size of documents so that they can perform better even on low specs computers. Performance is another factor that improved in Office 2007. New recovery options are also available with improved security performance. Documents size is reduced which provides more efficiency. It supports different file formats for the best experience. Tons of changes are made to the user interface of the program along with other new features and tools.

In the 2007 release of Office, they changed a lot in the software to meet the new generation needs of computers and people. The main focus of MS Office is to create more in less with less effort. Microsoft tries hard every time they release a new Office version. Office 2007 is the best creative suite for schools, colleges, businesses, and other institutes. Microsoft rolled out new exciting features in the new Office 2007. Download Microsoft Office 2007 for free Overview Of Microsoft Office 2007